The Benefits of Herring for Your Dog
Herring, a popular chew snack for dogs, offers a variety of health benefits. It is rich in valuable vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids, which strengthen the immune system, support brain function and contribute to the health of fur and hair. Herring is also generally easy to digest and can therefore also be suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Herring can promote your dog's oral hygiene in a delicious way, clean his teeth and also satisfy his natural need to chew.
How are herrings made into a chew snack?
Herrings are small, silvery fish. They are caught from the water, carefully selected and thoroughly cleaned. They are then gently air-dried whole at 95°. The long drying process removes moisture from them, which increases their shelf life. This process also preserves natural aromas and nutrients, which means their delicious taste is preserved. The bones become so tender that they can be eaten without any problems. The remaining consistency is crispy and firm and is an appealing chewing pleasure for your dog.
Our Masterfeed herrings, like all our products, are a purely natural product that is free from artificial additives or flavour enhancers.
For which dogs is herring suitable as a chew snack?
Herring as a chew snack is generally suitable for all dogs who do not have a specific allergy to fish. It is an ideal option for dogs with allergies to conventional meat chews, as well as dogs with digestive problems or sensitive stomachs. Since they are small fish, they are also ideal for young dogs, small dogs and dogs with jaw problems. They are therefore a healthy snack option for dogs of all ages and sizes.
Zusammensetzung: Hering.
Analytische Bestandteile: 63.6% Rohprotein, 16.2% Rohfett, 16.2% Rohfaser, 16.2% Rohasche, 16.2% analysis, 16.2% Kalzium, 16.2% Natrium, 16.2% Phosphor,
Futtermittelart: Einzelfuttermittel
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