lamb skin 20 cm
The benefits of lamb skin as a chew snack for your dog
Lamb chews not only taste delicious, but also smell attractive, which is why most dogs love them. In addition, this natural chew snack also offers your dog health benefits. Lamb skin is a natural source of protein that supports muscle development and the general health of your dog. It also provides important vitamins and minerals and promotes your pet's dental health through chewing. Lamb skin is also a hypoallergenic snack that is suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs and promises every four-legged friend long-lasting chewing pleasure and a lot of fun.
How is lamb skin made into a chew snack?
Our lamb skin as a chew snack is, as the name suggests, made from the skin of lambs. Carefully selected, it is first thoroughly cleaned and then cut into strips of the desired size. The cut pieces are gently air-dried at 95°. The long drying process removes moisture from them, which increases their shelf life. This process also preserves natural aromas and nutrients, which means their delicious taste is preserved. Lamb skin has a naturally firm structure, which is retained during the drying process and ensures an intensive and long-lasting chewing experience for your dog.
At Masterfeed, we offer you carefully selected and processed natural products of the highest standard. This means we can guarantee that our lamb skin is a natural product, free from additives and flavour enhancers.
For which dogs is lamb skin suitable as a chew snack?
Lamb skin is suitable for all dogs who do not have a specific allergy to lamb. In general, it is suitable for dogs of all types and breeds. In particular, it is a snack option that is usually well tolerated by dogs with sensitive stomachs or allergies. In addition, dogs who like to chew intensively can benefit from the tough consistency of lamb skin, as it ensures long-lasting chewing pleasure.
Our variations – guaranteed to have something for everyone
Our lambskin is available in different sizes - depending on your dog's preferences.
Zusammensetzung: Lammhaut.
Analytische Bestandteile: 65.5% Rohprotein, 10.3% Rohfett, 10.3% Rohfaser, 10.3% Rohasche, 10.3% analysis, 10.3% Kalzium, 10.3% Natrium, 10.3% Phosphor,
Futtermittelart: Einzelfuttermittel
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