pig's ears
The benefits of pig ears as a chew snack for your dog
Dried pig ears are one of the most popular dog chews. Not only do they taste irresistible, they also contain a wealth of nutrients that contribute to your dog's health. Additionally, pig ears contain a high cartilage content that is easily digestible by your dog and contributes to joint health by providing supportive nutrients. The cartilage also gives the snack its chewy texture, which has a positive effect on your dog's dental health while satisfying your pet's natural need to chew, resulting in a satisfied and happy dog.
How are pig ears made into a chew snack?
Our pig ears, as the name suggests, are made from the ears of pigs. They are carefully selected, thoroughly cleaned and then gently air-dried at 95°. The long drying process removes moisture, which increases their shelf life. This process also preserves natural aromas and nutrients, which means their delicious taste is preserved. The remaining consistency is chewy and gristly, offering your dog a challenging and satisfying chewing experience.
Our Masterfeed pig ears, like all our products, are a purely natural product that is free from artificial additives or flavour enhancers.
For which dogs are pig ears suitable as a chew snack?
Pig ears are generally suitable for all dogs who do not have a specific allergy to pork. Their structure makes them particularly suitable for dogs with a strong need to chew.
Our variations – guaranteed to have something for everyone
We offer pig's ears in two variations, with or without shell.
The main difference lies in their texture. Pork ears without shells are typically more tender and can be consumed more quickly, which may make them better for dogs with sensitive teeth or a weaker jaw. They still offer a delicious and satisfying chew. In contrast, pork ears with shells are more cartilaginous and firm, which results in a slightly longer chewing time. They are more resilient, thereby promoting stronger chewing muscles. Overall, however, both options offer a satisfying chewing experience for dogs. Choose the right option based on your dog's preferences and needs.
Zusammensetzung: Schweineohren.
Analytische Bestandteile: 64.0% Rohprotein, 30.4% Rohfett, 30.4% Rohfaser, 30.4% Rohasche, 30.4% analysis, 30.4% Kalzium, 30.4% Natrium, 30.4% Phosphor,
Futtermittelart: Einzelfuttermittel
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