beef strops 10 cm
The benefits of beef strops as a chew snack for your dog
Our natural beef strops, also known as beef trachea, not only offer your dog a delicious treat, but also provide him with natural proteins. These support the health of the skin and coat and also promote muscle building, giving your four-legged friend vitality and strength. Due to their tough texture, dried beef strops offer your dog long-lasting chewing fun. On the one hand, the intensive chewing helps to clean the teeth and remove plaque. On the other hand, it offers your dog meaningful activity and mental stimulation. This can help to drive away boredom and reduce stress.
How are beef strops made into a chew snack?
Our beef strops are obtained from the trachea of cattle. They are carefully selected, thoroughly cleaned, cut into the desired size and then gently air-dried at 95°. The long drying process removes moisture, which increases their shelf life. This process also preserves natural aromas and nutrients, which means their delicious taste is preserved. The remaining consistency is chewy and slightly crunchy and offers your dog a satisfying and long-lasting chewing experience.
Our Masterfeed beef strops, like all of our products, are a purely natural product that is free from artificial additives or flavour enhancers.
For which dogs are beef strops suitable as a chew snack?
In principle, beef stroit is suitable for all dogs that do not have a specific allergy to beef. In principle, they can be fed to dogs of all sizes and breeds. They are a particularly good choice for dogs with a strong need to chew, as they offer a long-lasting chewing experience.
Our variations – guaranteed to have something for everyone
Discover our selection of beef strops in various sizes: from a handy 10 cm up to 20 cm.
Zusammensetzung: Rinderstrossen.
Analytische Bestandteile: 62.8% Rohprotein, 15.3% Rohfett, 15.3% Rohfaser, 15.3% Rohasche, 15.3% analysis, 15.3% Kalzium, 15.3% Natrium, 15.3% Phosphor,
Futtermittelart: Einzelfuttermittel
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