Lamb Skin with Fur Dry BARF - Freeze-Dried Quality

€13,90 €92,67 / kg
€13,90 €92,67 / kg

Freeze-dried dry BARF - an innovative alternative to BARF

Our freeze-dried dry BARF is a form of raw food for dogs that is based on dried ingredients. As with normal BARF, our dry BARF consists mainly of meat, bones and offal, which ensure a natural and species-appropriate diet. The advantage of our freeze-dried dry BARF is that the ingredients are preserved through the freeze-drying process. This process preserves the nutrients and taste better than other drying processes. This means you can offer your dog a healthy diet without having to buy fresh meat. Our freeze-dried dry BARF is practical to store, easy to dose and has a longer shelf life than fresh BARF meals.

Why is our freeze-dried dry BARF good for your dog?

Our freeze-dried dry BARF has several advantages over the traditional BARF method and can be a good option for dog owners who want to offer their dogs a natural and species-appropriate diet without having to buy fresh meat.

  • Convenient storage: Our freeze-dried dry BARF is dried and can therefore be stored at room temperature. This makes it easier to store and transport than fresh or frozen BARF.
  • Easy to use: Our freeze-dried dry BARF is easier to dose than fresh BARF.
  • Time saving: Our freeze-dried dry barf takes less time to prepare and cook than regular barf. You only need to weigh the right amount and add water to make the dry barf softer if desired.

Some dogs prefer fresh raw food or wet food to the taste and texture of freeze-dried dry raw food. You may need to test different products to find the right freeze-dried dry raw food for your dog. Since freeze-dried dry raw food has little moisture, it is important to make sure your dog drinks enough water.


Zusammensetzung: Lammkopfhaut.

Analytische Bestandteile: 68% Rohprotein, 28.8% Rohfett, 28.8% Rohfaser, 28.8% Rohasche, 28.8% analysis, 28.8% Kalzium, 28.8% Natrium, 28.8% Phosphor,

Futtermittelart: Ergänzungsfuttermittel


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