beef scalp sticks 10 cm

€8,88 €11,90€17,76 / kg
€8,88 €11,90you save €3,02€17,76 / kg

The benefits of beef scalp as a chew snack for your dog

Beef chews are among the most popular and well-known chew snacks for dogs, and not without reason. They are not only particularly tasty, but also have health-promoting properties. Our natural beef scalp provides your four-legged friend with healthy proteins and collagens, which not only strengthen the coat and skin, but also support and strengthen muscle development. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the immune system and metabolism and can therefore improve your dog's general health. Beef scalp is tough and has a thick outer layer, which leads to particularly extensive chewing activity. In addition, it functions as a natural toothbrush - because of its consistency, the scalp cannot simply be bitten off, but must first be properly salivated and nibbled by your dog before it becomes soft and can be bitten off. The intensive chewing creates greater abrasion, which ensures a tooth-cleaning effect. With its very low fat content of only 5%, it offers a perfect option for dogs struggling with weight problems.

How is beef scalp made into a chew snack?

Our beef scalp as a chew snack is, as the name suggests, obtained from the scalp of cattle. Carefully selected, it is first thoroughly cleaned and then cut into strips of the desired size. It is then gently air-dried at 95°. The long drying process removes moisture, which increases its shelf life. This process also preserves natural aromas and nutrients, which means its delicious taste is preserved. The remaining structure is resilient and robust, which makes chewing an exciting challenge for your dog and offers hours of chewing pleasure.

At Masterfeed you receive carefully selected and processed natural products of the highest quality, such as our beef scalp, which is free from additives and flavor enhancers.

For which dogs is beef scalp suitable as a chew snack?

Beef scalp is suitable for all dogs who do not have a specific allergy to beef meat. However, owners should be cautious with dogs with dental problems or very small breeds, as the consistency of beef scalp may be a little too hard in this case. We recommend that you take a look at our selection of beef ears or beef tripe as these may be more suitable for your dog.

Our variations – guaranteed to have something for everyone

Our beef scalp is available in different sizes - depending on your dog's preferences.

beef scalp sticks 20cm

beef scalp sticks 70cm


Zusammensetzung: Rinderkopfhaut.

Analytische Bestandteile: 95.8% Rohprotein, 5.0% Rohfett, 5.0% Rohfaser, 5.0% Rohasche, 5.0% analysis, 5.0% Kalzium, 5.0% Natrium, 5.0% Phosphor,

Futtermittelart: Einzelfuttermittel


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